Wilton José FERREIRA, Alda Enestina dos SANTOS, Alessandra DUARTE


Os alucinógenos de origem natural constituem um interessante grupo de substâncias na  Química de Produtos Naturais. Reconhecendo-se a importância histórica, química e  farmacológica de tais substâncias, neste trabalho é apresentado e discutido, com base na  literatura específica, aspectos importantes sobre a história, a química e a farmacologia dos alucinógenos naturais clássicos: LSA, Δ9-THC, DMT, harmina, mescalina, psilocina,  psilocibina, hiosciamina, escopolamina, ibogaína, salvinorina A e thujona.

Texto completo:



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CARAI, M.A.M.; AGABIO, R.; BOMBARDELLI, E.; BOUROV, I.; GESSA, G.L.; LOBINA, C.; MORAZZONI, P.; PANI, M.; REALI, R.; VACCA, G.; COLOMBO, G. Potential use of medicinal plants in the treatment of alcoholism. Fitoterapia, 71, p. S38-S42. 2000.

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HALPERN, B.L. Hallucinogens and dissociative agents naturally growing in the United States.Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 102, p. 131-138. 2004

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JOHNSON, M.W.; MACLEAN, K.A.; REISSIG, C.J.; PRISINZANO, T.E.; GRIFFITHS, R.R. Human psychopharmacology and dose-effects of Salvinorin A, a kappa opioid agonist hallucinogen present in the plant Salvia divinorum. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 115, p. 150-155. 2011.

MARTINEZ, S.T.; ALMEIDA, M.R.; PINTO, A.C. Alucinógenos naturais: um voo da Europa medieval ao Brasil. Química Nova, v. 32, n. 9, p. 2501-2507. 2009

MCKENNA, D.J. Plant hallucinogens: springboards for psychotherapeutic drug discovery. Behavioural Brain Research, 73, p. 109-115. 1996.

MCKENNA, D.J.; CALLAWAY, J.C.; GROB, C.S. The scientific investigation of ayahuasca: a review of past and current research. The Heffer Review of Psychedelic Research¸ v. 1. 1998.

NICHOLS, D.E. Hallucinogens.Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 101, p. 131-181. 2004

OLSEN, R.W. Absinthe and γ-aminobutyric acid receptors.PNAS, v. 97, n. 9, p. 4417-4418. 2000.

PADOSCH, S.A.; LACHENMEIER, D.W.; KRONER, L.U. Absinthism: a fictitious 19th century syndrome with present impact. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, v. 1, n. 14, 14p. 2006.

PATEL, K.; GADEWAR, M.; TRIPATHI, R.; PRASAD, S.K.; PATEL, D.K.A review on medicinal importance, pharmacological activity and bioanalytical aspects of beta-carboline alkaloid 600 “Harmine”.Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, p. 660-664. 2012

PELKONEN, O.; ABASS, K.; WIESNER, J. Thujone and thujone-containing herbal medicinal and 603 botanical products: toxicological assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 65, 100-604 107. 2013

PRISINZANO, T.E. Psychopharmacology of the hallucinogenic sage Salvia divinorum. Life Sciences, 607


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